Wednesday 10 February 2021




Shot description.

Audio and Dialogue.


Scene 1.



Extreme long shot of car but then gets closer.

Music playing predominantly.


Medium long shot of car getting closer.

Music playing predominantly.


Medium shot opening the car door.

Music starts to fade more into the background.


Medium shot of presenter in car introducing the documentary.

Introduction of dialogue:

Presenter:” It is said that Ballroom and Latin dancing is becoming outdated. I’m taking you to a dancing school in Essex to show its social and physical importance in modern times” Music continues in background.


Medium long shot of presenter getting out of car and then walking to the dancing school.

 Music in background.


Medium long shot of presenter walking along a road with her dialogue being played over her.

Music in background. Dialogue: presenter saying where she is over her walking: “Ive decided to go and see some dancers about why they think Ballroom and Latin dancing still has relevance in today's society.”


Establishing wide shot of the dancing school.

Music in background.


Establishing wide shot of child 1 & 2 walking into the school.

Music in background.


Scene 2.



Mid shot of presenter talking to / interviewing Lewis.

Interview dialogue: Presenter: “Why do you think that dancing is beneficial?”

Lewis: I think that it helps people keep fit, it massively impacts the body's moving ability and flexibility too. Not to forget that it’s just fun in general really and socially, everyone has a good time no matter what age you are!”


Mid shot of presenter talking to / interviewing Josie.

Interview dialogue: Presenter: How long have you been dancing for and what opportunities has it provided for you?”

Josie: I’ve been dancing since I was about 4, I learned how to dance here and as I got older, I started travelling around to compete and obviously going to places like Blackpool is always an honour and now I am back here teaching!”


Wide shot of children’s dancing lesson.

Music from dancing lesson.


Wide shot of adults dancing lesson.

Music from dancing lesson.


Medium close up of speaking with child 1 about how they think dancing helps them physically.

Interview dialogue: Presenter: “How do you think dancing keeps you healthy?” Child 1: “There is lots of fast movement and muscle control, so I think that it helps you lose weight or be able to keep in good shape.”


Medium close up of speaking with adult 1 about how they think dancing helps them mentally.

Interview dialogue. Presenter: “Do you think dancing has helped your mental health in anyway?”

Adult 1: Yes definitely; coming to dancing always lifts my mood and gets rid of any stress that I am feeling from work or my homelife.”


Scene 3.



Low angle shot of Josie & Lewis putting practice shoes on. 

Music in background.


Long shot of Lewis and Josie dancing in practice form then transition to competition clothes. (put duct tape on floor to mark the mod point in the turn)

Music in background.

31- 34

Long shot of Lewis and Josie dancing but have changed into competition clothing. (Start shooting from steps where the duct tape is).

Music from dancing lesson.


Low angle shot of Lewis and Josie still dancing but camera at a different angle to concentrate on feet and the swoosh of the skirt on the dress.

Music from dancing lesson.


Wide shot of Lewis and Josie dancing but at another angle.

Music from lesson.


Scene 6.



Mid shot of Adult 2 & 3 in Latin competition clothing dancing briefly.

Music from dancing lesson.


Wide shot of Adult class dancing at nigh time with the disco ball / lights on. (Darkness of the room will fade into the credits sequence).

Music from dancing lesson fades out.


1 comment:

  1. Good planning Lily with a clear focus on the ideology behind your production; well done.
